Well-Fitted Clothes, Good Design, and Hard Work with David Rivera
When David isn’t overseeing Special Projects (aka the awesome collaborations) over at legendary streetwear brand The Hundreds, he is helping brands and people tell their story as a freelance photographer.
A Day Amongst The Red Rocks Of Sedona
Sedona is hands down one of my most favorite places I have ever experienced! It’s so beautiful. My spirit feels so alive there and I want to show you what it looks like.
2018 In Review: Lessons Learned And Goals Accomplished
Last year I did a year in review, this year I decided to do the same! Here are SOME of my 2018 lessons learned and goals accomplished.
Dee Poku Spalding On Using Your Resources Wisely
Champion for women, Dee Poku Spalding wears many hats in the social entrepreneurship field. Co-Founder of the Women Inspiration Enterprise network and Founder of The Other Fest, a New York-based conference giving a platform to women redefining business practices, Dee Poku shares her insight on taking advantage of your network, creating The Other Fest, and landing speakers like Naomi Campbell.
A Week-Long Date Between Myself And New York City
My first time in NYC was magical! Here’s a photo heavy (and pretty extensive) post about my week-long visit, with some tips and funny moments.
My Experience At The 2018 Girlboss Rally in New York
Girlboss and T-Mobile selected me as one of ten Game Changer Scholarship recipients to attend the NY Rally, and here’s the dish on how it went, what it looked like, and what I thought about it!
Transitioning From The Tech To Creative World With Enkrypt Los Angeles
With Los Angeles photographer and videographer, Enkrypt, we discuss picking up the camera for the first time, taking the scary leap from the tech world to self-employed artist, capturing the LA streets, the importance of failing, and more.
Getting To Know Tucson Illustrator, Emily Orzel
An admired local artist in Tucson, Arizona and Insta page to follow, Emily Orzel shares with us a bit more about her journey not only as an illustrator but also as an artist in business (because we all know it gets real).