2018 In Review: Lessons Learned And Goals Accomplished


If I were to describe 2018 in a few words, I’d say it was all “courage over comfort.” Really. This sums it up perfectly. So many risks were taken, so many sacrifices were made, and so much I let go of for the sake of aligning to my divine purpose in life. This year was all about taking a few steps back in hopes that it’d lead to many steps forward.

Last year for New Years I wrote a blog post sharing some of my lessons and accomplishments (I even published a post about some of my mistakes but I don’t have the energy for that one this year), so I decided to do it again. Whether it’s a blog post, a social caption, or a journal entry, I find it really healing (even valuable for future reference) to write down “a year in review”.

So here we go…

Lessons Learned in 2018 (in no particular order):

  1. Collect invoices before making payments

  2. Make sure you clearly communicate and cover all the bases with every business transaction

  3. Don’t overextend yourself and sell yourself short because you’re so excited about an opportunity - be realistic (sorta like the saying: “underpromise, overdeliver)

  4. Trust your instincts - always

  5. Choose growth over comfort sooner rather than later

  6. When it comes to pricing yourself, understand the market your in (even specific to your city) and talk to others in the same field

  7. On that note, don’t be hard on yourself (especially in the beginning) when it comes to pricing yourself. It’s something you get a hold of over time and client experiences.

  8. No matter how much you may love someone, never accept being treated less than you deserve. Never.

  9. Every human being has their own journey and self-evolution in this lifetime. It is not up to you (nor in your power) to force someone to learn something, to see a new perspective, to change in any way.

  10. That being said: move accordingly

  11. Someone else’s narrative does not have to be yours

  12. If you really, really want something, the Universe will really, really help you make it happen (once it sees you putting in the work)

2018 Accomplishments (in no particular order):

  1. Had a successful 2018 Tucson Hip Hop Festival (that included some harsh lessons but overcame them)

  2. Honorable mention: Flew out three legends (imo) in the music industry and hired them to speak at the festival (was a dream come true)

  3. Won Woman of Influence Arts & Culture Champion for 2018 via Inside Tucson Business (and was the youngest nominee, recipient and winner)

  4. Was a bridesmaid for the first time!

  5. Got accepted into and received a scholarship for a program at the UA Eller business college and am now “Non-profit Leadership” certified

  6. Quit my comfortable desk job and took a giant leap into the unknown

  7. Landed my first festival client and helped manage their box office/guest relations (shout out FORM Festival)

  8. Landed my second festival client shortly after (DUSK Music Festival) and managed their social platforms, as well as vendor relations

  9. Officially, officially cut all ties with the most toxic relationship I may have ever had in my entire life that lasted three years too long and this is one of my favorite accomplishments of the year

  10. Finally hosted an influencer dinner (and am pretty happy with how it went)

  11. Moved out of my cute, cozy apartment and am OK

  12. Landed our title sponsor for the 2019 Tucson Hip Hop Festival at FULL COST

  13. Hosted my first Los Angeles event, then another… and then another (from this I was able to hang out with my LA friends more, made new friends, made connections, and finally met Francisco and Rachel - two highly talented entrepreneurs)

  14. Attended A3C: a festival I had been dying to experience for years!

  15. Was dubbed “Girlboss Gamechanger” by Girlboss and attended the Girlboss Rally at no cost

  16. Landed two really cool internships with two really incredible agencies (one based in LA, the other in NYC)

  17. Attracted high-frequency friends/acquaintances into my life (and am so excited to cultivate them)

  18. Had a lovely birthday dinner with my friends in LA and attended ComplexCon this year again

  19. Landed Rolling Loud as a client (a big, big dream come true) and influenced thousands to think of their legacies via my interactive art installation idea

  20. Through the year was able to give other people (big) opportunities

  21. Believed in myself through and through

What are some of your lessons learned and accomplishments? Share in the comments below. Would love to read ‘em!


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