You are meant to be here, now.

I am Jocelyn. And I am grateful you are here.

It brings me joy that you are here. This website holds space for my passions, soul purpose(s), and offerings that I’ve intentionally diversified to not only be able to connect with as many of you possible but also make accessible and properly display the expansiveness of my being. My intention and hope is that something here speaks to you and your soul/spirit/project. Please take a seat, get comfortable, and browse. Thank you for supporting my work!

I am passionate about inspiring you to turn inward, encouraging you to practice self-awareness, and empowering you to believe in yourself.

The Starting with Gratitude Podcast

A safe space to host meaningful conversations exploring all topics reflecting the human experience. This is the podcast for your heart, mind, spirit! Every conversation starts with gratitude and remains rooted in gratitude. New episode every Tuesday.

I am passionate about designing experiences that matter with brands that care about intention and impact.

Book me to use my voice.

Hire me to use my vision.